2021 - CURRENT

Vanadzor Housing Project

We believe that a safe, secure home can change the trajectory of a family for generations.

The Armenian Relief Corps is proud to have partnered with a nonprofit organization that made significant improvements to the lives of poor families in Vanadzor, Armenia. They were able to build a 24-home duplex community that provides quality and secure housing, as well as a sense of community to those in need. Families that once struggled with makeshift homes and domiks in unlivable conditions can now rest easy in their new permanent homes. These duplexes have increased stability, physical wellbeing, and mental wellbeing. Parents can focus on providing for their families, educating their children, instead of worrying about the state of their home. The community created at this duplex provides a sense of belonging and support, allowing families to thrive. With a safe place to call home, these families are now better equipped to overcome poverty and move forward with their lives.


Sharing Arkady’s Story

Arkady and his family (a total of five) had been enduring harsh living conditions of a run-down domik home for decades. They were forced to share an 8x10 living space with no insulation, no privacy, and only a makeshift kitchen area.

Through the unyielding support of Armenian Relief Corps, their lives have been transformed forever. With a new duplex, they will finally have more space to roam, a larger kitchen to prepare meals in, a bigger bathroom to wash away their troubles, and most importantly, a safer and warmer home free of mold issues, which was detrimental to their health.

Arkady and his family can now look forward to brighter days.

Arkady shown with his wife and two teenage children.



Grand Reveal

Below are the photos captured amidst the grand reveal of the recently constructed duplex residence. Marking the entrance were festive balloons, as the family gathered for a snapshot. Despite their stoic expression, a customary trait among Armenians while taking photos, their hearts brimmed with gratitude for this remarkable enhancement.